" Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world." James 1:27

The original location was on Chantilly Street from creation to April 1, 2018. Then through much prayer and supplication moved to the present location on Moose Drive. This move and new larger location gave the Mission the ability to improve on its ministry.

The Christian Food Mission (CFM) was originally founded for the purposes of (1) feeding the needy and (2) sharing the truths of Christianity with others. These purposes have been specifically accomplished in a variety of ways over the years since 1983. CFM began by opening a "soup kitchen" to receive those who needed a free meal at noon. This led to a meal delivery service to the elderly and the creation of a "food bank" for grocery distribution. Along the way, relief work and foreign missions, involving the feeding of those affected by disaster and those in desperate need of food, have been realized.
As we've been about the feeding of others, we've shared our Christian faith and values. We've counseled and prayed with many people individually and spoken in group settings. We have consistently shared the gospel and taught on the basics of Christianity. This has led to the development of a "tract ministry" to distribute Christian literature as a means of teaching and evangelism. These original goals are still being carried out today.
  • 2507 Moose Drive, Laurel, MS, USA 39440
  • Mailing Address: P.O. Box 2422 Laurel, MS 39442


Feeding the needy and spreading Christianity is from God's word. Be salt and light in the world. "And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased." Hebrews 13:16

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Meals are prepared and delivered to those in need each day. Volunteers help package the meals. "There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore I command you to be open handed toward your fellow Israelites who are poor and needy in your land. Deuteronomy 15:11

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Daily devotions are given with volunteers before they leave to deliver meals. The Mission also distributes religious tracts at several locations in the Laurel area. "We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God was making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ's behalf. Be reconciled to God." 2 Corinthians 5:20

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Purpose / Philosophy image
The purpose for the establishment of CFM was, and is, provide food for the needy and elderly and to effectively reach people with the truth of the Bible and the love of Jesus Christ. Locally, the structure of our organization facilitates the opportunity for ministry into diverse segments of society as prescribed by Scripture. Elderly widows and others in our community receive lunches each day; the able-bodied needy among us are required to work in return for repeated assistance; the strangers, including newly arrived Hispanics and others, are aided; the spiritually unregenerate are evangelized.

The philosophy which has developed at CFM operates from a foundation which is not only overtly Christian in witness but overtly biblical in principle. We have incorporated biblical methods in our work. Biblical principles such as work, gleaning, individual accountability, personal involvement, voluntary and unsolicited contributions, and responsibility to God are emphasized in all we do. It is our contention, that, as a Christians, it is not only what we do but how and why we do it that matters.

CFM proceeds under the following two premises: (1) The responsibility to care for the poor and elderly according to Scripture lies, first, with the family and, second, with the Church. CFM should never function in such a way that we shield a client from a church, nor do we wish to reduce or supersede the family's or church's role in these areas. (2) CFM volunteers are volunteers solely in ministry for Jesus Christ.

CFM is dependent on churches and Christian individuals for its very existence. The ministry can, in reality, do only as much as the churches and Christian volunteers, through their financial and physical support allow us to do. Please pray for us as we walk in faith with Jesus Christ.

Philosophy/Financial Policy
Under no circumstances will this ministry contract debt... we will not presume on the future but will trust in God to provide funds as needed.

We will not state current financial needs but will share, after the fact, how God has provided for this ministry so that He alone might receive the glory.

We will pray to God and ask Him alone to supply this ministry's financial needs; therefore, no money will be solicited nor will "fund raising" be engaged in by our Board of Directors or paid staff.

Staff salaries are established by the Board of Directors and given only as God provides the funds. No special appeals will ever be made to obtain any salary.

Annually, an account of all funds received and spent will be prepared and will be made available, upon request, to any desiring the same. A financial report will be publicly presented at our Annual Meeting in April of each year.

It has been our consistent practice to solicit no funds for the needs of our work. This has been a topic of much discussion over the years by interested persons. Ultimately, this was formalized into a policy that our Board of Directors and paid staff would solicit no money or engage in fund raising activities of any kind. I would like to summarize why we are convinced that fund raising is not a wise course for the Mission to pursue.

(1) Public pleas for donations will open us to compromise and endanger our Christian witness.
(2) Public pleas for money will potentially cause us to lose our distinctiveness as a Christian endeavor.
(3) Public pleas for money will put us in the position of having to return time and again for money.
(4) God has proven himself faithful in matters of financial provision for the Mission in the past.
(5) Fund raising among the churches is a questionable and inappropriate practice for the Mission to pursue.
(6) We should use the Mission to not only feed the needy and evangelize, but also to strengthen our brothers and sisters.
(7) When we receive money without solicitation or fund- raising efforts on our part, we can give God all the glory.
)8) Fund solicitating targeting segments of the Christian community could hinder our ability to be autonomous in decision making.
(9) Considering much thoughtful discussions over the past years, it is the most logical conclusion that we should not raise funds.


Thank you for your faithful support of the Christian Food Mission. 

Donation Amount

Founder image
Robert J. Smith is a life-long resident of Laurel, Mississippi.

Robert was formally trained as a geologist and worked in that field for several years. He and his wife Beth are the parents of eight children. He and his family are members of Audubon Drive Bible Church in Laurel, MS. He was commissioned by the church as a missionary to Jones County, MS. where he lives. Shortly after becoming a believer in 1983, he opened the Christian Food Mission with a calling from God as a ministry outreach.
Mission Director image
Gregory L.  Brown
A life- long resident of Laurel, Mississippi.

Greg received Christ as Saviour at an early age. He is a member of Pleasant Valley Missionary Baptist Church. He was called to serve at the Christian Food Mission by God through Robert Smith and has been at the Mission for many years. "God has really proven Himself to be a Provider for that which He has ordained." Greg and his wife, Jennetta, have a daughter Paris.

Donna Hogan

Office Manager

Donna manages our office operations. Also works with our volunteers who deliver meals.


Kitchen manager

Steve Thrash


Chuck May

Vice President

Gerald Henderson


Jordan Graves


Al Moore

Michelle Parker

Charles Boone

Greg Baldwin

Jonathan Strickler