The original location was on Chantilly Street from creation to April 1, 2018. Then through much prayer and supplication moved to the present location on Moose Drive. This move and new larger location gave the Mission the ability to improve on its ministry.

The Christian Food Mission (CFM) was originally founded for the purposes of (1) feeding the needy and (2) sharing the truths of Christianity with others. These purposes have been specifically accomplished in a variety of ways over the years since 1983. CFM began by opening a "soup kitchen" to receive those who needed a free meal at noon. This led to a meal delivery service to the elderly and the creation of a "food bank" for grocery distribution. Along the way, relief work and foreign missions, involving the feeding of those affected by disaster and those in desperate need of food, have been realized.
As we've been about the feeding of others, we've shared our Christian faith and values. We've counseled and prayed with many people individually and spoken in group settings. We have consistently shared the gospel and taught on the basics of Christianity. This has led to the development of a "tract ministry" to distribute Christian literature as a means of teaching and evangelism. These original goals are still being carried out today.